
The symposium I co-organized with Prof. Sabatino on the topic of my dissertation, was the first event to bring students to contribute to the Chicago Biennial. The symposium was also the first to be peer-reviewed at IIT’s college of architecture. Professors, curators, and students came from four continents. The symposium publication that I edited was awarded the 2020 Haskell Prize for student journalism.

I gave the Chicago Lecture #1, speaking about my research driven by data science and big text analysis. I had received science support from the HathiTrust Research Center, a grant from the Swiss-American Society, one from Fulbright, and yet another one from the Swiss National Science Foundation.

My digital work was based on the HathiTrust Research Project I was awarded. My research was funded through the doc.mobility grant I was awarded from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss-American Society, Illinois Institute of Technology, and Fulbright.

Text: Dan C. Baciu ©. Images: Illinois Institute of Technology.